Dr. Faisal A Alkhaldi
Chief Strategy, Transformation and Business Development Officer
Aljouf Health Cluster
Executive Director of Planning, Transformation Management Officer, Project Management Office, and Business Development in Aljouf Health Cluster, Chair of Clinical Documentation Scientific Committee in Health Academy – Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.
He is a member of the C-Suit leadership team in Aljouf Health Cluster. He joins his senior management experience, systems engineering speciality, startegic thinking and palnning and change management expertise to lead the transformation movement in the Cluster, strategy development and execution. He recently graduated from the Value in Health program conducted by the National Center of Value in Health in Saudi Arabia. He worked on verious systems types for analysis and design including healthcare systems, digital systems, and artificial intelligence based decision support system, where skills like analytics and conceptual thinking, framework developments and modeling, and understanding of influencing factors and relationships within systems’ components were used. He studied the movement of transforming the United States healthcare delivery system into a more patient-centered, value-based, and coordinated one.
He published peer-reviewed papers in various prestigious venues such as the IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering, IEEE e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, and MDPI Sensors. He is highly educated yet down-to-earth. He has social causes and excited about the Saudi 2030 Vision and its implications locally and on the region and the world!